
Arab Forum: 9-11 Nineteen Arab's Spirit Lives in Hamas, Hezbollah..
Author: muhammed
Date: 11-09-07 14:45

9/11-19 Arabs Spirit Lives in Hamas, Hezbollah & Arabs/Moslems.

Today. on anniversary of 9/11 west should look back and explain its public: Why it happen? Western Zionists mass media is mute of truth.
It was payment for all the killing west does to save Zionist regime in ME.
West is paying for Zionists crimes nonstop since it created racist state.
This is the mentality of the average Arab. We should be dictating to these savages rather than communicating with them.
The Name Israel is misleading and has nothing to do with ancient Israel which has existed 2 000 years ego for 200 years or so.
The name Israel intended to put in the mind of naive people seeds that it has something to do with ancient Israel.

ISRAEL WAS CREATED BY WEST TO GET RID Jews from Europe and original Zionists were atheists.

ZioJews crimes are paid by London airports standstill and in the west in the form of security paranoia.

West's terrorism against Arabs/Moslems to save Israeli burning butt created Arabs/Moslem hate and radicalized many on the “street”. Arab/Moslem "street" are fighting west and own govts; who are complacent with western crimes in Moslem lands.
Pakistanis, Iraqis and now Hezbollah of Lebanon are doing Govts job of defending Moslem lands.

ZIO/West is pushing its luck by killing Arabs/Moslems.

9/11-19 Arabs Spirit Lives in Hezbollah & Arab Patriots.
Zio/Western killings create tremendous hate in Arabs/Moslems and Create respond like in..... England.
Armed with spirit of 9/11 bravery Hezbollah successfully defends Lebanon against ZioJews.

Ted Turner CNN:”THOSE BRAVE 19 Arabs” of 9/11

Those braves have had immense influence on Arab Patriots.
Iraq doesn’t give in to western aggression.
Hamas is resisting Zionist onslaught non stop.
Hezbollah is bravely fought ZioJews army armed with best of western weapons and won.
He found one non-Muslim that he likes
Most cultures produce MARTYRS and they cherish them:
Japan's kamikaze,
Russian Alex Matrosov covered German machine gun with his body and many pilots collided with German war plains after using all ammunition, all called heroes..
[ADD: Tamil Tiger Martyrs in Ceylon].
[Chechen martyrs in "Russia"].

Ask Ted Turner (Creator of CNN, stolen from him by ZIONISTS) what he thinks about 19 Arabs on 9/11 attack, I believe he called them THOSE BRAVE 19 Arabs!

Shameless western mass media propaganda will concentrate on anything except the truth: Martyrs are Arab patriots defending their land and natural resources from Zionists and their puppets.

Posted by: McZoid 2007-09-12