
Dennis the Menace: Good Guys™ out, Patsies™ in!
You have to scroll down a ways. Hat tip LGF
And now, Dennis Kucinich:
I’m the only candidate who has a plan to get out of Iraq. We need to get the U.N. in and the U.S. out.
"We need to EXPERIENCE Sharia to know what it’s like."
We have to bring our troops home. And I think that issue alone will cause many Americans to flock to my campaign when they see there’s a real alternative to this endless spending of the resource of this country and waste of lives which the Iraq debacle has become.
"Not to mention the waste of funds that could be better allocated towards cowardice and appeasement."
I’m not only in favor of ending the occupation, but stopping the waste of our tax dollars and bringing our troops home, the American people will be aware that they do have a choice.
The choice to get you a job flipping burgers.
Here Dennis stops the pundit resumes.

Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri was wrong. People are that unrealistic, and one of them wants to be President!
Does anyone know what the term for an allergic reaction to brain tissue is?
Posted by: Atrus 2003-10-14