
Hamas urges militants to stop attacking Gaza-Israel crossings
The Hamas government urged Gaza terrorists militants Thursday not to attack border crossings with Israel in order to ensure the flow of basic goods into Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramazan.
Otherwise the fast is going to be 24/7 for the whole month ...
Hamas terrorists gunmen, along with terrorists militants from other groups, have been involved in rocket and mortar attacks on Israeli targets, including border crossings, and the statement Thursday by government spokesman Taher Nunu marked a change of position.

“The government calls on the Palestinian terrorist factions to avoid shelling the crossing points, in the interest of our people, especially during the holy month of Ramazan, and to keep commercial traffic going and protect security and stability in Gaza,” the statement said.

However, it was not clear whether other terrorists militants would heed the call. The Popular Resistance Committees said in a statement that it would send “messages of death” to Israel during Ramazan, a time of increased religious fervour. On Tuesday, a rocket fired by members of the Popular Resistance Committees and the Islamic Jihad group exploded in an Israeli army base near Gaza, wounding more than 40 soldiers as they slept in their tents. In recent years, Gaza terrorists militants have fired hundreds of rockets at Israeli border towns, and the attacks continued after Israel’s pullout from the area in 2005. Since Hamas wrested control of Gaza from the rival Fatah movement in June, Israel has largely restricted the movement of people and goods in and out of Gaza.
Posted by: Fred 2007-09-14