
Kuwaiti newspaper reports Hamas split
Bethlehem – Ma'an – A Kuwaiti newspaper has said that Hamas is coming under pressure from all sides. There is no communication between the two wings of Hamas – those in Gaza and those in exile.

Both the Saudi government in Riyadh and the Egyptian government in Cairo refused a proposed visit by Khaled Masha'l, Head of Hamas' political bureau in Damascus, stating that the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip must be reversed before they would allow him to enter the countries, the newspaper "Al-Jareeda" reported.

A Hamas leader, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the newspaper that Hamas refused to accept these conditions. Under such pressure from the Arab states and other international countries, the efforts of Masha'l to improve the siege on Gaza has been made nigh on impossible. They are also demanding that Hamas accept the government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as the legitimate government in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The Saudi and Egyptian officials have told the Hamas leadership that Masha'l has no official status as he has not agreed to the Oslo Accords and he is not living in the Palestinian territories. They said they are waiting for Hamas to send a Hamas delegation from inside the country.

The Hamas leader said two weeks ago communication between "Hamas inside the country" and "Hamas in exile" had stopped. The Hamas leader described Hamas' situation as a "slow suicide" because of the siege and the increasingly serious problems in the Gaza Strip.
Posted by: tu3031 2007-09-14