
Saudis, Egyptians refuse Mashaal visit
The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jareeda reported Friday that there is no communication between Hamas' leadership in Gaza and its leadership abroad. Meanwhile, both the Saudi Arabian and Egyptian governments have refused a proposed visit by Khaled Mashaal, head of Hamas' political bureau in Damascus, stating that the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip must be reversed before they would allow him to enter the countries, Al-Jareeda reported.

A Hamas leader, who wished to remain anonymous, told the newspaper that Hamas refused to accept these conditions. He said that under such pressure from the Arab states and other international countries, Mashaal's efforts to improve the situation in Gaza has been made virtually impossible. According to the anonymous Hamas leader, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are also demanding that Hamas accept the government of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas as the legitimate government in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

According to Al Jareeda, the Saudis and Egyptians have told Hamas's leadership that Mashaal has no official status as he has not agreed to the Oslo Accords and he is not living in the Palestinian territories. They said they are waiting for Hamas to send a delegation from inside the territories.

Furthermore, the Saudis are said to be angry with both Hamas and Fatah for failing to abide by the terms of the Mecca agreement, which called for the establishment of a Palestinian unity government and an end to internecine fighting in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Last week, a Fatah official blamed Hamas of committing "war crimes against the Palestinian people" and promised that "in time, those responsible will be held accountable for their actions."

A poll published earlier Monday revealed that 73 percent of Palestinians were disappointed with Hamas since its takeover of Gaza, and if Palestinian elections were held today Abbas would win by a landslide.
Posted by: Fred 2007-09-15