
Minuite-bees on border patrol
A Border Patrol agent ...
Oops. Friendly fire.
... and three Guatemalan illegal border crossers were taken to Sierra Vista Medical Center at midday Friday after being attacked by bees. The swarm descended on them while they were hiking down a mountainside in the Huachuca Mountains southwest of Sierra Vista.

The incident occurred at about 10:30 a.m. as two agents escorted a group of 32 illegal entrants. A 39-year-old Guatemalan woman and a male Border Patrol agent were stung between 60 and 100 times, said Richard DeWitt, Border Patrol Tucson Sector spokesman.

The woman was taken by helicopter to the hospital after she suffered anaphylactic shock and passed out. The agent also sustained injuries when he fell down while trying to run away from the bees. Both were released from the hospital in the late afternoon, DeWitt said. The other two border crossers, a 26-year-old woman and a 24-year-old man, had less-serious injuries from the bee stings.

The other crossers suffered minor cuts, bruises and a few stings but didn't need to be taken to a hospital.
They do need to be taken to the airport. Were they?
Posted by: Gary and the Samoyeds 2007-09-15