
Student Tasered for Asking Kerry Tough Questions
A University of Florida student was stunned with a Taser and taken to jail on Monday after police say he disrupted an event with U.S. Sen John Kerry and refused to leave. The incident was caught on video, which has since been distributed on the Internet.

Within hours of the arrest, articles about it and video of the entire incident were posted on Meyer's website, www.theandrewmeyer.com. The website includes writings by Meyer, including one piece against the war in Iraq.

At about 1 p.m., Kerry was nearing the end of a forum (and) audience members were allowed to ask questions at a microphone, university spokesman Steve Orlando said. The person in front of Meyer was told he would be the last person to speak, Orlando said. Meyer said he was upset with that, so Kerry gave him the OK.

When he took the mike, Meyer then asked Kerry several questions. On amateur video linked from Meyer's website, his questions included why Kerry conceded in the 2004 presidential election, why not impeach President George W. Bush now, and whether Kerry was a member of the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University.

When reminded that he was only supposed to ask one question, Meyer responded in the video ``He's talked for two hours. I think I can have two minutes.''
And it went downhill, from there.

Members of the student group sponsoring the event summoned UF police to escort Meyer out, according to a police statement. At first, students can be heard cheering as he is asked to leave. But Meyer refused to leave, police said. When officers tried escorting him, he resisted, and officers only partially got handcuffs on him, according to police.

By then, officers had moved Meyer to the back of the auditorium, where he was on the floor, Orlando said. Officers told him to stop resisting, and when he still refused, they used the stun gun, Orlando said. On the video, he can be heard screaming at that point. Meyer was then put back on his feet and taken out of the auditorium, he said.

At one point in one of the videos, Meyer says, ''Why am I under arrest?'' and ``They're going to try and kill me.''
O.K., so he was a loony student.

Posted by: Bobby 2007-09-18