
Democrat's commitment to defeat
I was amused by The Democrat's continuation of its commitment to defeat in the War on Terror as a means to commemorate Sept. 11 while making sweeping political claims pertaining to troop support. While the battle in Iraq could hardly be described as clean and neat, the public referee just went both arms vertical. The "Surge" as described by the Bi-Partisan Iraq Study Group just sailed through the uprights. Nothing but net.

Turns out all of this anti-war talk about the "Surge" effort was a bunch of to do about nothing. Troops did a great job. Al Qaida in Iraq and rogue Iranian backed terror elements are less effective thanks to courageous and personal sacrifices by our military forces. Now it's time to "Surge" the spearhead of the left's vaunted diplomatic capabilities.

Our troops are of all political, religious, and ethnic background. Yet we hear little in the way of complaint from a grueling deployment schedule, and courageous fight against a determined enemy who uses our known weakness in political perseverance against the troops to demoralize them. The determined, mission focused, quality effort by our troops should serve as a leadership example guiding political behavior here at home. The effort of our armed forces commands a bi-partisan leadership effort in Washington and here at home. Any negative leadership effort that does not reflect the good for America and Middle East effort of our troops should receive disrespect for the unworkable and negative solution that it is.
This war has always been a long fight.

Prior to 9/11 our nation had embarked on a program designed to downsize our military in some areas such as ground forces. Although it is admirable that we tried to maintain that goal while fighting a long engagement against unconventional forces, it became apparent some time ago there were insufficient forces to maintain the current deployment schedule. The President has, from time to time, requested an increase in troop levels. But, in the end, our troops have been left to fight with a pre 9/11 numerical force structure. The primary difference in Iraq for the surge effort is that the American effort leads an Iraqi force contribution nearing 500,000.

Although we Americans don't like long occupational military campaigns, our enemies know that. Their vote in the matter drives their campaign selection which exploits our weakness and desire of the political left to run from a challenge. So now you know why one of our political parties is beginning to exhibit war fighting objectives that begin to look like the objectives of our enemy. No one from the opposing political party of the President has suggested providing what the troops need in terms of support. Neither of our political parties or biased political endeavors should claim support of the troops at the expense of the other because neither has seen to their primary needs and support.

We cannot withdraw from this fight short of conditions allowing a stable and secure Iraq which is able to fend off the elements of terrorism which surround it's geography and are indeed part of it's recent history. To abandon the fight in Iraq short of obvious minimal objective would bring about stunning political and security set backs in the Middle East, the possibility of genocide on an unimaginable scale, and a significant reduction in our own long term security, global influence and ability to defend our homeland. The Bipartisan Iraq Study Group Recommendations recognized these possible outcomes and the executive and legislative branches of government are aware of it. If it was easy we would be out already. It's not easy.

We should thank all of the military families locally who have someone engaged in this war. Thank you to all of the parents who have raised the kinds of men and women with values who are willing to stand in security for our personal freedoms, security, and right to have this discussion.

While we are all war weary, none can be as weary as those of you who are tasked in life to shoulder the responsibilities of this hardship. Those who whine the loudest are indeed those who do the least in terms of support of the troops and service to their country. Nearly all of us here locally unconditionally support with great respect the mission, personal efforts, and the sacrifice of those in uniform regardless of political affiliation. Your loved ones are performing a great service and we support their mission and efforts 100 percent.

Posted by: Fred 2007-09-21