
Little girl in Morocco photo not Madeleine
A BLONDE girl photographed by a tourist in Morocco is not the missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann, said journalists who met the girl and her family yesterday. British and Spanish reporters traced the girl, who was pictured being carried on a Moroccan woman's back in a sling. The picture was published the world over. An English newspaper identified the girl as a five-year-old from the village of Zinat.

Clarence Mitchell, a spokesman for Kate and Gerry McCann, Madeleine's parents, said identification of the girl as a native of the north African country, "if true", was a setback, but the search would continue.

Experts were said to be still enhancing and examining the image, taken three weeks ago by a Spanish tourist, in the hope that the girl was Madeleine, who disappeared on 3 May from a holiday apartment in Portugal. But Spain's Telecinco television channel also claimed to have traced the family in the picture, taken on 31 August in Zinat in northern Morocco, on the road between Chaouen and Tetuan, further casting doubt on the possibility that it is Madeleine.
Posted by: Fred 2007-09-28