
Terry Nichols' Declaration About the Oklahoma City Bombing
After the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, Terry Nichols was convicted on August 9, 2004, for collaborating with Timothy McVeigh to commit the crime. Nichols was sentenced to life in prison. On February 9, 2007, he wrote a Declaration detailing his knowledge about the plot. The Declaration was obtained by J. M. Berger, who made it public on his excellent website Intelwire on September 21, 2007.

Nichols writes in his Declaration that he now wants “to identify others who played a role in the bombing” but he has “been frustrated in this effort by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Federal Bureau of Prisons and Department of Justice.”

He writes that his trips to the Philippines in the months preceeding the bombing had nothing to do with the plot. Furthermore, he went to the Philippines in November 1994 and stayed there until January 1995 in order to be far away with a good alibi, because he expected McVeigh to blow up a target during that period.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2007-09-29