
HuffPo blogger slags Pelosi, Jules Crittenden watches the fratricide
Ten months of surrender have taken their toll on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

If there was any doubt before, which there wasn't, it's gone now. Watching Nancy Pelosi on The View yesterday morning provided the final proof that the backbone of the House is only as strong as its speaker. Her body language said it all. There she sat in the center of the table, sandwiched between Elizabeth Hasselbeck and the "Is the world flat? I don't know" lady, looking anxious and devoid of stately confidence. She could barely look in the eyes of America's Favorite True Believer on her left, who immediately smelled fear and pounced on her prey. "If the violence in Iraq had gone up," she started in (I'm paraphrasing), "you would be insisting that the surge was a failure. Now that the reports say it's gone down drastically, aren't you willing to admit that the surge is a success?"

Good question!

So what does Pelosi do? Does she make like Bill Clinton versus Chris Wallace, lean into her face and retort "La la la! I can't hear you! young lady, don't try that little conservative hit job on me. You obviously don't know fudged numbers when you see them"? No. Instead she looks somewhere in Hasselbeck's general direction and squeaks meekly, "But that's still a lot of deaths." (I'm not paraphrasing). She then quickly changes the subject as she spends the rest of the interview leaning away from Hasselbeck and focusing on the three women on her right, wishing to God they had sat her down beside whacked-out bisexual stalker Whoopi.

War tests men and women. It ages them, drains them. Some will rise to the challenge of their time, others will fall by the way. This is something different, though. It wasn't war that did a number on P. She was beaten down by her mighty struggle, and ultimately her failure, to quit.

A commenter at Crittenden's site adds this delightful extract from the underlying Huffasnuffaluffagus Post article:

Man, if this lady can’t hold her own at a table full of gossiping hens who care more about the future of Britney’s babies then that of their country, no wonder impeachment is off the goddamn table!

Posted by: Mike 2007-10-04