
Two Algerians accused of assassination attempt against Pakistani President
Two Algerians living in Pakistan were arrested in 2005 accused of an assasination atempt against Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. According to Pak institute report, security forces arrested the Algerians Abu Al-Ghayas and Abu Sofiane who were coming from Rawalpindi where Musharraf escaped an assassination attempt in 2005. Pakistani intelligence said the Algerians who were illegally staying in Pakistan had links to an armed group that attempt to assassinate the Pakistani president in 2005.

Pakistani President's plane was fired on as it took off in July 2007 from a military airfield in Rawalpindi. At that time, security officials said Pakistani intelligence foiled a new plan of Al-Qaeda to assassinate the Pakistani president.

According to Pakistani authorities, Mushtaq Ahmed, a former officer in Pakistani air force was a suspect in the failed assassination attempt on 14 December 2003. He had been sentenced to death by a military court days before he escaped from military detention in Rawalpindi. Pakistani minister of information Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said security forces had arrested a non determined number of suspects involved in the assassination attempt since the arrest of Abu Faraj al-Libbi a Libyan believed to be al-Qaeda's third-highest-ranking official.
Posted by: Fred 2007-10-07