
Bombers attend party at anti-terrorism chief's house

CONVICTED Bali nightclub bombers have feasted on kebabs with Indonesia's anti-terrorism chief at an evening party held at his house. The party, which brought together more than 20 Muslim hardliners and former terrorists who have shown "regret" for their actions, was the latest "soft" strategy in Indonesia's anti-terror campaign to try and turn former militants into informers, or advocates of religious moderation.

"We approach the terrorists with a pure heart,'' Brigadier General Surya Dharma, the head of Indonesia's anti-terror unit and host of the party, told Associated Press. "We are all Muslims. We make them our brothers, not our enemy."
I'm kinda confused by this logic thing, so try to bear with me for a bit. If A is a murderous rat bastard terrorist and B states that both A and B are similar, brothers in fact, not each other's enemy, doesn't that mean that A=B? Further if A is in fact the enemy of C and not C's brother in fact, doesn't that make B the enemy of C as well? So why is there any constraint on C from leveling B's country?
Mubarok, who is serving a life sentence for planning and carrying out the Bali bombings, was temporarily released from prison to attend the party, which was free of armed guards. He led the prayers at the celebration, timed to coincide with the breaking of the fast during the holy month of Ramadan. "We did not stop to think, what if one of our family was caught up in the blasts? Now we are aware what we did was wrong,'' Mubarok, who goes by a single name, said.
"Our only thought was that we were gonna kill lotsa infidel C's."
Financial rewards
Prisoners such as Mubarok who cooperate with Indonesian authorities look forward to shorter sentences and financial rewards. "We learn who can be turned and look after them,'' Col. Tito Karnavian, the head of intelligence at the anti-terrorism unit, told Associated Press. "And they then recruit people. We call it 'creeping de-radicalisation.' We should not treat terrorists all the same. We should learn their culture and then exploit it.''

A few prisoners work publicly with authorities - one former Jemaah Islamiah leader Nasir Abbas sometimes briefs media alongside police. Most remain behind the scenes, identifying a voice recording or meeting with fellow detainees to try and change their fundamentalist views.

Ali Imron, another former militant serving life for the Bali bombings, said an unnamed cleric had issued an edict calling for his death because of his close links with police. "Everything has a risk, but I have chosen my path,'' he told Associated Press. "I am doing what is right.''

The fifth anniversary of the Bali bombings is October 12.
Posted by: Oztralian 2007-10-11