
Coalition Operations in Iraq Kill 14 Terrorists, Net 12
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 10, 2007 – Coalition troops in Iraq killed 14 terrorists and captured 12 others during a series of operations in the central part of the country today and yesterday.

-- Coalition forces killed 13 terrorists west of Baghdad while targeting associates of al Qaeda in Iraq linked to a local car-bombing network. A group of targeted individuals had gathered in a field near a recent attack. Coalition aircraft engaged the armed men, killing 10 terrorists. As coalition ground forces secured the area, they discovered three more armed men. Another coalition air strike was called in, killing the three terrorists, one of whom was wearing a suicide vest.
"Achmed, do you hear a whistling noise?"
"YES! Run for your---" BOOM!

Coalition forces west of Balad destroyed two buildings linked to al Qaeda in Iraq operations.
Reuters offices? Probably not.
Information obtained from an anti-terrorist operation in Baqouba yesterday led coalition troops to a nearby location today. When coalition forces called for the target building’s occupants to come out, an armed man challenged the coalition troops and was killed. Nine suspects were detained.
"Abdul, did you hear about Achmed and his friends?"
A cache of weapons, ammunition, grenades and military-style assault vests were found on site and destroyed.

In operations yesterday:

-- Coalition ground forces killed one terrorist and detained three suspects in Baqouba while targeting an alleged associate of al Qaeda in Iraq senior leaders. “We’re continuously pursuing al Qaeda in Iraq’s leadership, finding the places they hide and operate, and disrupting their ability to attack innocent Iraqis,” said Army Maj. Winfield Danielson, a Multinational Force Iraq spokesman.

-- U.S. soldiers destroyed two booby-trapped houses and captured 10 suspected insurgents in Adwaniyah. While looking for insurgents responsible for emplacing improvised explosive devices, the soldiers found two empty houses wired with explosives. After the area was vacated, the houses were destroyed with Hellfire missiles.

-- Terrorists killed more than a dozen people and wounded scores of others in Beiji as the result of two suicide car-bomb attacks. The separate attacks targeted the homes of the Beiji police chief and a local citizens group leader. The police chief and the citizens group leader escaped harm, but the attacks claimed 14 lives and injured 42 others.

“This cowardly act was a sign of desperation by terrorists, in an attempt to disrupt security forces and concerned local citizens who have joined together to combat terrorism throughout Salahuddin and other areas of northern Iraq,” said Army Col. Bryan Owens, commander of 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division.

“These attacks on the local community show these terrorists have a complete disregard for human life and lack of respect for Iraqi lives and property,” Owens said. “Iraqi security forces and concerned local citizens will continue to hunt these extremists to prevent senseless attacks on the people of Salahuddin province.”

In an operation a day earlier, Iraqi soldiers captured four suspected insurgents during a patrol in the New Baghdad district of the Iraqi capital Oct. 8. When soldiers searched a vehicle that contained suspicious-acting passengers, they found a rifle and three videos depicting attacks on coalition forces.
"Er, no, soldier, sir. Those are just the videos of my cousin Achmed's wedding."
The four people that were in the vehicle are being held for additional questioning.
Posted by: Jungle Jim 2007-10-11