
Terrorist responsible for the Copernic bombing in Paris identified
I don't know if this news has already been published on an english site, so I translate it from the french for you, Rantburgers. The French newspaper "Le Figaro" published 4 hours ago on Internet an article saying this:
"The leader of the commando that perpetrated the bombing of the Parisian synagogue on the Copernic Street, october 3rd, 1980, killing 4 people (3 French and 1 Israeli) is currently living in Canada after having spent many years in the United States.

French antiterrorist units are collecting informations about his stay in the US, and DNA samples to confound him.

The criminal terrorist leader, from palestinian origin,
[is this really a surprise?]
who was a member of the PLFP-SO (Popular Liberation Front of Palestine - Special Operations) is now aged 55 and has both Lebanese and Canadian nationalities. He personally built the bomb that killed the people in front of the Copernic synagogue. This terrorist is also suspected in the bombing of the Antwerp synagogue in 1981"
Posted by: Leroidavid 2007-10-11