
We've had a little problem lately with trolls, some old, some new, infesting the Burg. Consider this post as a dose of Kwell for the problem.

The mods will troll-dump anyone who spams. We'll troll-dump anyone who's main purpose on the Burg is to pick fights and antagonise others. We'll troll-dump anyone who forgets how to behave decently in a civilized, on-line society. Some behaviors that will lead to troll-dumping include repeated insults to other posters, hijacking of posts and comments, and antagonizing others.

We do not troll-dump people who have divergent opinions and express those opinions in a reasonable and respectful way. Divergent opinions are helpful to all of us, they challenge us to defend what we think.

Troll-dumping is different than redacting. We occasionally remove (redact) comments that violate our policies, but a person who is redacted may continue to post (remembering why their one post was redacted).

The mods discuss troll-dumping at the Moditorial Ranch-n-Day Spa. We monitor the situation and agree on when to pull the trigger. We try not to act precipitously but when pushed to our limit, we'll act.

Regulars should know that we won't put up with trolling. It may take a few days to deal with borderline cases, but we will indeed act. A private e-mail to a mod is very helpful in alerting us to a problem.

And trolls should understand that Rantburg is not a place to poop. If your main goal in life is to antagonize others, go draw a cartoon of Mahommad. That should do it.
Posted by: Steve White 2007-10-12