
Hezbollah assigns 50,000 militia-men for possible attack on government
Hezbollah has formed a 50,000-strong militia to "fight an internal dispute" if the ongoing political crisis in Lebanon was not settled, the Kuwaiti newspaper as-Siyassah reported. It also said Hizbullah has constructed 500 kilometers of roads linking its power bases in east, central and south Lebanon in preparation for such a confrontation with the March 14 forces and to enable the party confront an Israeli attack.

Hezbollah has constantly sought shelter under the "resistance" umbrella that will "never" draw a drop of Lebanese blood - this latest move appears in direct contradiction of their alleged allegiance to Lebanon. The Hizbullah-led opposition have been practically occupying downtown Beirut since December 1, 2006 - with the declared objective of toppling the Lebanese government. Immediately after the start of the sit in, Hezbollah supporters threatened to storm the government compound, fenced in barbed wire and protected by tanks and three army and police battalions, and remove Siniora by force.

What started with “Death to Israel" and “Death to America”, turned into “Death to Siniora”. While the heads of the pro-Syrian opposition, Nasrallah, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, and "presidency at any cost" Michel Aoun, have not once attempted to preach to their followers otherwise. One sick follower took the idea to an unthinkable extreme in the form of a video game, where your mission is to assassinate every minister in the government, including Fouad Siniora, the Prime Minister of Lebanon.

Hezbollah's Intent for Armed Confrontation Exposed
The newspaper attributed the information to a Syrian website identified as al-haqiqah, Arabic for the truth. The report quoted an unnamed Hizbullah source as saying the idea of setting up a militia, which is a separate structure from the party's Islamic Resistance, crystallized after the Iranian-backed group obtained information about a "serious intent to drag it into an internal armed confrontation if the political crisis was not settled."

"This is what we've been trying to avoid and we'll continue trying to avoid irrespective of the cost," the Hizbullah source was quoted as saying. "Getting involved in a domestic confrontation isn't as sensitive an issue to Hizbullah as it used to be, especially if it is imposed on us."

He accused the March 14 majority of planning to drag Hizbullah into a domestic confrontation.
The new militia, he said, "would be capable of settling any internal confrontation in a relatively short period... without having to go into a long civil war similar to the previous" Lebanese civil war that lasted from 1975 to 1990.
The new militia, he said, "would be capable of settling any internal confrontation in a relatively short period... without having to go into a long civil war similar to the previous" Lebanese civil war that lasted from 1975 to 1990.

In a related development, the report said Hizbullah constructed 500 kilometers of roads in south Lebanon, the central Bekaa valley and its eastern flank to link its strongholds In case of any domestic confrontation or even to confront an Israeli invasion. Druze leader Walid Jumblat had warned that Iran might assign Hizbullah to occupy Beirut and usurp power in Lebanon.
Posted by: Fred 2007-10-14