
Let's put our own house in order first
From the Turkish Daily News
Do we want to meet the public’s expectations and organize an effective fight against the PKK? Do we prefer to crush the PKK once and for all instead of making do with empty words and slogans? Do we want to counteract the Armenian genocide allegations instead of giving in to them? Do we really want to understand our public? Then let’s put our own house in order first

The first condition of an effective fight against the PKK is to put our own house in order. Let's summarize what this means. As faithful readers of this column know, I repeatedly write that we are the main reason why the fight against the PKK fails. I have mentioned the lack of dialogue and coordination between state institutions. The military has its own policy and attitude. Ankara used to have its own policy (during Sezer's term). The National Intelligence Organization (MIT) and the police have their own different thoughts. The government has another approach altogether.

It is possible. Each institution can embrace a different policy. However, what counts is to be able to melt all these different approaches in a single pot. State institutions have to gather around a table to hear each other's different views before the political authority makes a decision. What we had until a couple of days ago, however, was a complete dialogue of the deaf.

There were days when the chief of staff blamed the government. “We fight without official permission,” he said. The next day, the prime minister put the blame on the military. His answer was, “all you had to do was ask for it.”

In other words, we moved in chaotic conditions.

In fear of losing votes, politicians have let the military fight against terror since 1980. They avoided taking responsibility. They took the easy way out. However, the military could only deal with one aspect of this fight (armed fight), and that's what they did. They couldn't have done anything else.

Turkey was active as long as there was terror. When terror stopped (1999-2006), Turkey forgot all about it. The PKK grabbed us by the neck and knocked us about. Isn't it also true of the current situation?

The political aspect of the issue was abandoned. The economic aspect wasn't considered enough. The cultural aspect wasn't even considered.

That is the reason I say, “we should first put our own house in order.” There is no other way out, anyway. There is not other way of dealing with terror.

General Baþbuð always said, “don't leave this issue to us, we can't deal with it alone.” He also listed what should be done. He did and said what the politicians should have.

Nobody moved a finger. It is time to change this state of affairs.

We cannot put all the blame on the AKP, either. We are talking about a disruption of 20 years.

Come, let's make a beginning of the latest developments and open a new page.

It is time for political authorities to take the responsibility of putting our house in order. If we can't manage to do this now, we shall be having the same conversation 20 years later.


Aren't we really responsible for the U.S. decision on Armenians

Another development was the approval of the Armenian Genocide Project by the foreign affairs commission of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The same fight has been going on for years. Around this time each year, Armenians appeal to the American Congress. Turkey rebels and threatens and puts pressure on Washington. Then the U.S. administration stops Armenians.

Not this time, though.

This time, the Armenians caught such a favorable conjuncture that the Bush administration was unable to stop them.

I've written this before.

The approval of this project by the House of Representatives has no binding effect. Nevertheless, it will cost Turkey a great loss in prestige. Armenian genocide allegations will gain more credibility. Other parliaments that hadn't approved the project till now will be affected. They won't be able to stand the Armenian pressure.

So, who's to blame? Is it the Bush administration that made enormous efforts to stand by Turkey? Can it be the EU? No.

There are many reasons for this outcome, but we have the greatest responsibility. Armenians have been as industrious as bees for almost 50 years. They explain their point of view to the world and get it accepted.

What have we done? Almost nothing. Apart from a few books and a few conferences, Turkey did nothing. For years, we took refuge in the fact that “We are NATO members. Nobody can harm us.” When that stopped working, we began blackmailing our friends.

We never launched an effective campaign to justify our side of the story. We even silenced the diverse voices among us. We even failed to stand up for our own Armenians.

We now have to bear the consequences of our own acts.

Come let's put first our own house in order in this issue, too. We can't leave the AKP holding the bill. Everybody has to chip in to pay this 50-year old expense.

Let's turn the page and make a new beginning. Let's stop blaming others and get down to work.

Posted by: lotp 2007-10-14