
Europe unclean
by Tim Blair.
The Great Warmening is killing Europe:

Poor air and water quality, and environmental changes blamed on global warming, have cut Europeans’ life expectancy by nearly a year, Europe’s environmental agency warned Wednesday.

Hundreds of thousands of people across Europe are dying prematurely because of air pollution, it said. “The estimated annual loss of life is significantly greater than that due to car accidents,” the report said.

At this rate, life expectancy in western and central Europe will be shorter by nearly a year, it said. The current average age expectancy in western and central Europe is 70 for men and 74 for women.
Throw in alcohol, AIDS, TB and despair and they'll end up like Russia.
So Kyoto’s been a big help. Strangest thing, though: while we’re always told Australia has the highest per capita level of greenhouse gas emissions in the developed world and the US is by far the world’s greatest polluter, both nations kick the hell out of poor old help-help-where’s-my-medicine Europe when it comes to life expectancy. In the US: The average life expectancy for Americans is 77.6 years, a record high ...

And Australia: Based on the latest mortality rates, a boy born in 2005 was expected to live to 78.5 years, on average, while a girl would be expected to live to 83.3 years.

Hell, we were matching Europe’s current numbers way back in the early 80s, before unleaded petrol and when everyone smoked. Could be there’s more to this European graveyard rush than might be blamed on the environment.
Posted by: tipper 2007-10-14