
Castro speaks live for first time since July 2006
(Xinhua) -- Cuban leader Fidel Castro spoke by telephone with his visiting Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez on Sunday in a live TV show, the first of its kind since July 2006. "There is electricity in the air," Chavez said during Castro's call to his "Alo, Presidente!" program, which means "everyone is electrified to hear Castro."
"Señor Presidente! What was it like, having sex with Señor Commandante?"
"When it was over, we enjoyed a good cigar. Now we are complete compañeros!"
Sunday's television show, broadcast from the eastern Cuban city of Santa Clara, also aired a 17-minute documentary on Saturday's four-hour Castro-Chavez meeting. Castro, 81, appears fragile but alert in the video, in which he discussed the Argentine guerilla leader Ernesto Guevara, better known by his nickname Che, who was a key figure in the 1959 Cuban revolution. "The ideas of the revolution have been sown all across Latin America and today's circumstances are more susceptible than ever for these ideas to sprout for the revolution that Che Guevara spoke of," said Castro. Chavez's program was meant to celebrate Guevara who died some 40 years ago in Bolivia, executed by Bolivian government forces while fighting alongside Bolivian insurgents.
Posted by: Fred 2007-10-15