
MKs call on Olmert to suspend himself
Knesset members from both the right and the left lashed out at Prime Minister Ehud Olmert calling on him to suspend himself after it was announced on Sunday that he was to be investigated for a third time. "The most ever investigated prime minister in the history of Israel with the least public support in the history of Israel has no legitimacy to negotiate the fate of Jerusalem and I doubt that he can continue to run the affairs of the country when there are so many criminal investigations against him," Likud faction chairman Gideon Saar said shortly after the public was made aware of Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz's decision to order the investigation.

State Control Committee Chairman Zevulun Orlev echoed Saar's words, saying that "no human being can run a country with so much hanging over his head.
Posted by: Fred 2007-10-15