
Mazuz orders police to investigate Olmert for third time
Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz ordered police on Sunday to launch a third criminal investigation into the affairs of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The investigation will deal with various allegations involving conflict of interest, cronyism and political appointments allegedly perpetrated by Olmert during the period in which he served as minister of industry and commerce between 2003 and 2005 under then-prime minister Ariel Sharon.

Police are already investigating Olmert regarding his actions in the sale of the controlling share of Bank Leumi and for alleged misconduct in the purchase of his home on Cremieux St. in Jerusalem's German Colony. "The main suspicions include Olmert's involvement in the decisions of the [Industry and Commerce Ministry's] Investment Center, and in political appointments and other help to political supporters in various public bodies, which allegedly took place during his term as minister of industry and commerce," read a statement issued by Justice Ministry spokesman Moshe Cohen.

"The suspicions are based on all the material that we gathered on these matters, including state comptroller reports regarding the Investment Center and the Authority for Small and Medium Businesses; the material gathered during these investigations; and additional information from other sources," Cohen said, referring, among other things, to investigative reports on Olmert's activities published by Ha'aretz and Channel 10 News.

The Prime Minister's Office issued a statement calling the new investigations, as well as the previous one, "unnecessary."

Posted by: Fred 2007-10-15