
China rules out copying Western democracy
BEIJING, China (AP) Chinese President Hu Jintao opened a major Communist Party congress Monday by promising modest reforms to make government institutions more responsive while strengthening one-party rule. "In deepening political restructuring, we must keep to the correct political orientation," Hu said in a speech opening the party's 17th congress.

The congress is a crucial test of strength for Hu after five years in power, especially his ability to maneuver allies, possibly including a designated successor, into key positions and assert the primacy of his vision of more balanced development.

Hu, who is expected to remain in power for another five years, said government advisory bodies, which include non-party members, should be given a greater role in decision making. He also supported holding more public hearings before laws and regulations are formulated.

He said the party had to pay more attention to taking a scientific outlook on development, a catchphrase for redistributing growth more equally and making more efficient use of energy. "A relatively comfortable standard of living has been achieved for the people as a whole but the trend of a growing gap in incomes distribution has not been thoroughly reversed," Hu said. "There are still a considerable number of impoverished and low-income people in both urban and rural areas, and it has become more difficult to accommodate the interests of all sides."

On Sunday, congress spokesman Li Dongsheng said senior party members would put forth a blueprint for reforming political institutions, but the steps aimed to strengthen one-party rule and will not copy Western democratic models. Li told reporters the party has studied and drawn from other country's political systems, along with its own experiences. "But, we will never copy the Western model of a political system," he added.
Why? Perchance do you feel that it may take away from government officials' ability to accumulate undue wealth? Look again, Hu . . . .
Li gave few specifics and declined to answer questions about expected retirements and promotions in the party's ruling Politburo, highlighting the secretive party's extreme sensitivity over personnel issues.

He said reforms would also aim to strengthen the legal system and decision-making, increase the government's responsiveness and "enhance supervision and restraint over the exercise of power." He was referring to Communist Party control over individual leaders, not an attempt to limit the party's unrivaled hold on power.

Li did not elaborate, but the congress is expected to address the case of former Politburo member and Shanghai party boss Chen Liangyu, who became the highest-ranking party member to fall in a decade when he was toppled amid a probe into wide-ranging corruption.

Although Hu's leadership has never been threatened, he is largely seen as weaker than past leaders, forcing him to compromise on some top appointments and other decisions. In a sign of possible constraints, Hu's retired predecessor, Jiang Zemin, was appointed to the committee handling the congress' arrangements, state media said Sunday.

Broadcast live on national television, Hu's opening speech was his highest-profile political address since taking power five years ago at the last party congress. It was heavy with Communist rhetoric, with numerous references to holding "high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics."

Hu largely reiterated goals of making China reasonably prosperous by 2020.
As opposed to Hong Kong and Taiwan which were reasonably prosperous in 1970.
He said the country would pursue a peaceful path internationally. He warned Taiwan against further secessionist activities, but emphasized China's desire for peaceful reunification.

Security was heavy in Beijing with police removing a group of older people who appeared to be carrying petitions from the crowds gathered near the Hall on the side of Tiananmen Square.

The congress' more-than 2,200 delegates will elect a new party Central Committee. That body in turn will approve a smaller Politburo and the all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee, the apex of power in China.

Deliberations over the lineup have been going on for months and will take place this week behind closed doors. Its makeup is officially announced after the congress ends.

Hu is expected to also push for the elevation of protege Li Keqiang onto the Politburo Standing Committee, while Xi Jinping, the party boss of Shanghai and the son of a revolutionary veteran, is also expected to get a seat.
Posted by: gorb 2007-10-15