
'Palestinians face bad conditions in Lebanon'
Rights group Amnesty International issued a damning report on Wednesday on the living conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and urged the government in Beirut to act to end their suffering.
Sixty years after the creation of Israel and we still have Paleo refugees? However could that be?
The 31-page document titled “Exiled and suffering: Palestinian refugees in Lebanon” denounced the appalling conditions in which most of the 300,000 refugees live with little or no prospect of ever finding a better future. “They live in dark, sunless, cramped conditions with almost no hope of improving their daily life or returning to Palestine, their country of origin,” Mein Sammonds, co-author of the report, told AFP.
Sixty years of UN support for Paleo refugee camps and you have conditions that would cause the poorest Americans to ... roll up their sleeves and start cleaning the place up. Makes you wonder why the Paleos aren't like that ...
Amnesty said that in some households, many of which consist of corrugated iron huts without tiled roofs, ventilation or sanitation, families of 10 shared a single room. “Burj el-Barajneh camp (on the southern outskirts of Beirut) has more people per square kilometer than Hong Kong or Mumbai”, the report said.
Funny, the people of Hong Kong and Mumbai seem to do allright. Even their poorest poor live in better conditions than this. Wonder what went wrong?
The rights group also denounced the fact that the refugees, most of whom live in 12 official camps scattered throughout the country, face discrimination as far as finding jobs and are denied access to public education and health care.
Mayhaps it's because the Paleos aren't well liked in Lebanon? Might it stem from the fact that the Paleos once tried to take over the place?
It said that while the Lebanese government in 2005 lifted its ban on 50 of the 70 jobs declared off-limits to Palestinians, many still face obstacles in finding employment, with a work permit costing hundreds of dollars - a sum few can afford. “Even if we get an education, we are not allowed to get a good job,” one 27-year-old woman with six children was quoted as saying in the report.
First of all, stop turning out kids. Second, move to Mauritania -- far as I know, your people haven't tried to overthrow the government there so you might be welcome. For a while. For a short while. Third, shut yer yap and start working, humbly, to fit in.

Posted by: Fred 2007-10-18