
Wally: Syria and Hezbollah are killing us off
In a especially candid interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Lebanese majority leader Walid Jumblatt accused Hezbollah of assassinating his colleagues, Hafez al-Assad of murdering his father, and described the struggle for a Democracy in Lebanon. "We are ahead of a crucial three weeks and our opponents, although they are members of parliament, they have other methods to deal with us. Three weeks ago we lost a partner (Antoine Ghanem) in the majority ... We were 69 then, now we are 68. If they can kill 4 more of us, we will be reduced as a majority, and we will not be able to vote for a free president that will abide by international law and resolutions."

"It is impossible to have good security in Lebanon, we are hiding in our rooms. Most of the MPs are in an annex of the Phoenecia hotel, they are not even able to open the windows because of possible sniping."

When asked "who is behind these assassinations", Jumblatt responded "Syria and its allies Hezbollah. I have no doubt about it. The tribunal will give its verdict next year, but until next year it is quite a long time, anything can happen."
Posted by: Fred 2007-10-22