
Syria Sees Islamic Resurgence
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Two decades after Syria ruthlessly uprooted militant Islam, killing an estimated 10,000 people, this most secular of Arab states is experiencing a dramatic religious resurgence. Friday Prayers draw overflowing crowds. More heavily veiled women and bearded men jostle unharried among city pedestrians. Family restaurants on the outskirts of Damascus do not serve alcohol, and one fashionable boutique even sports a sign advertising Islamically modest bathing suits. Syrian experts on religious matters and others attribute the phenomenon — more creeping than confrontational — to various factors. Islam is proving appealing through much of the Arab world, including Syria, as a means to protest corrupt, incompetent and oppressive governments.

In Syria, some experts attribute the sudden openness of the phenomenon to a far more local fear. The hasty collapse of the Baath government next door in Iraq stunned Syria’s rulers, particularly the fact that most Iraqis reacted to the American onslaught as if they were bored spectators. In the face of threats from the United States and Israel, Syria seeks to forge nationalist sentiment with any means possible, experts believe, including fostering the very brand of religious fundamentalism that it once pruned so mercilessly. "This is an attempt at mobilization," said Abdul Razzak Eid, a well-known political writer in this historic city, the country’s second largest, 210 miles north of Damascus. "They want to create an aggressive feeling against the Americans." It is, he and others note, a dangerous game. Experiments at fostering fundamentalist movements to counter some perceived threat can backfire. "There is no overt political Islam," Mr. Eid said, "but they are building a base, and the moment they have the chance, they will act to become fanatic, extremist movements."

Syria, of course, knows about extremist movements. Increasingly violent skirmishes with the Muslim Brotherhood prompted President Hafez al-Assad to move against them in 1982, sending troops to kill at least 10,000 people and smashing the old city of Hama. Hundreds of fundamentalist leaders were jailed, many never seen alive again. Syria’s various secret services then tracked radical militants around the world — one reason the government could provide so much helpful information to the United States about Al Qaeda after the Sept. 11 attacks. Domestically, though, Hafez al-Assad did two things that helped foster the current resurgence. He built hundreds of mosques, trying to counter the sense among Syria’s Sunni Muslims that his minority Alawite sect was religiously suspect. He also founded myriad schools to study the Koran, which Syrians say in recent years dropped the gentle Sufi Islam once prevalent here, replacing it with the more intolerant Wahhabi Islam of Saudi Arabia. Some Syrian intellectuals say militant Islam has peaked. They say the government manipulates the religious resurgence as a safety valve, periodically loosening the restraints to see who is involved so they can be monitored."The regime on this issue continues to put the question in a very drastic way, `It’s either us or a Taliban government,’ " said one Syrian intellectual. Such experts say the government opened the doors to jihad in Iraq to see who would go, detaining those who made it back alive. Islamic activists make up the biggest block of political prisoners, human rights activists say.

Virulent sermons delivered by young mullahs like Sheik Mahmoud al-Ghassi, who leads a mosque in the working-class district of Saqhour, provide the most startling example of the careful line negotiated by the politically inclined. In his sermon last Friday, he attacked the "atheist dogs" waging war in the region. He painted economic sanctions threatened by the United States Congress as part of an Israeli plot to control all from the Nile to the Euphrates. He even offered mild criticism of his own government for relying on international organizations like the United Nations to rescue Syria. Islam is the only weapon required, he said. "The Koran is stronger than America," shouted the tall, thin, bearded sheik, his voice rising to fevered pitch. "Be prepared with all your strength so that the enemy of God shall be intimidated." By the time he finished the hourlong sermon cataloging the multiple evils facing Syria, many of the hundreds of worshipers in his rough concrete mosque were weeping. Sheik Ghassi — known as Abul Qaqa, the name of one of the early followers of the Prophet Muhammad and the Arabic word for the sound of clashing swords — demurred when asked directly whether he would like to see an Islamic state in Syria. But in the course of an interview, he suggested that Islamic rule here would be something organic once everyone realized that the faith can solve the country’s problems. In the call and response segment at the end of the prayers, when the sheik called for freeing the prisoners from Guantánamo, he was answered with a resounding "O Lord!" When he called on God to preserve Syria’s rulers, the volume diminished considerably. A few of the young men around the sheik sport military fatigues, and he has distributed various videotapes in this heavily Sunni Muslim city — something impossible in Syria without government approval — that show them going through calisthenics and paramilitary training exercises.

It would be funny, if it weren't so tragic, that each of these guys, one after the other, is convinced he's smarter than the last guy and that the last guy's mistakes don't apply to him. When you make deals with the devil, they don't redound to your benefit.

Syria's managed to build this ediface themselves. They helped invent, then bought, the Pan-Arab story — remember the United Arab Republic? What was cynical propaganda a couple generations ago has become TRVTH™ to the current generation of party hacks by simple repetition. Meanwhile, the world's changed out from under them. There's only one Baathist government left in the world, two if you count Paleostine and they don't admit to it. Even before Iraq collapsed, Baath parties had taken on the aura of quaint atiquity that used to accompany 85-year-old Russian grand dukes in exile in Paris. They represented an idea whose time has gone. If they were able to change with the times, they'd drop the tin hats and the military parades, fire the minister of information, and become secular socialists. The problem is that they've painted themselves into an ideological corner by anti-Zionism, which tosses them into the same pile as the religious ideologues in Iran and further afield. The terrorism business used to be a secular pursuit and they didn't get out when the religious goons took over. Having followed the path of Armed Struggle™, they find themselves in lockstop with whomever else happens to be travelling the same direction.

The people travelling the same direction aren't the same ones the Syrians started the trip with, and now they're not even sure what the destination might be. To Sheikh al-Ghassi, Islam is the answer, regardless of the question. To the Boy President, Islam is another means of controlling The Masses™. Someday, perhaps when we've become more articulate as a nation, The Masses™ will catch on to the idea that they don't exist. We may someday see hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of individuals, each with his or her own home, hearth, family, lares and pentates, snarling at the authoritarians that they'll do as they damned well please, thank you. But we're still in the early stages and there are going to be setbacks before the world reaches critical mass. Syria will probably be one...

Posted by: Paul Moloney 2003-10-25