
Wally Calls Hezbollah an Occupying Force
In a especially candid interview on CNN yesterday, March 14 leader Walid Jumblatt called Hezbollah's presence an indirect occupation of Lebanon by Syria and Iran. "Our opponents have a private army in Lebanon, private security, they have weapons provided by the Syrian regime and Tehran, while we have international solutions, we are not asking for military help, we are not asking for military bases, they already have military bases in Lebanon - an Iranian and Syrian military base, and they are behind the assassinations."

"The Syrians don't need to have their military or intelligence in Lebanon as long as they have their unofficial brigade in Lebanon - Hezbollah. This alliance between Iran, Syria and Lebanon (Hezbollah) has been an indirect occupation."

On Thursday, the pro-Syrian Lebanese newspaper As Safir reported that Washington had lodged an official request with the Beirut government for the creation of US army bases in Lebanon. Although the Lebanese government denied the information the same day, Hezbollah continued to warn against any such alleged plans. On Sunday, Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem said the creation of US military bases in Lebanon would be considered a "hostile act."
Posted by: Fred 2007-10-23