
Bush and Putin Rough out Breakthrough Strategic Deal for Dumping Iran
Usual qualifications
DEBKAfile discloses developing Bush-Putin deal to Iran’s detriment. A US concession on Europe-based missile shield - in return for Russian withdrawal of nuclear aid to Iran and backing for tough sanctions
Its outline surfaced Tuesday, Oct. 23, in Prague when US secretary of defense Robert Gates proposed a possible delay in activating the planned missile interceptor base in Poland and the radar site in the Czech Republic until an Iranian threat was “definitely proved.” In Washington US President George Bush opened the door to accepting Vladimir Putin’s offer of the use of the Azerbaijan base. Moscow’s proposed quid pro quo is to be its withdrawal of nuclear aid to Iran and backing for tough sanctions.

DEBKAfile’s military sources add: If this deal goes through, it could lead to Russia’s tacit acceptance of eventual US military strikes against Iran’s nuclear and strategic sites. The Islamic Republic’s strategic options would shrink dramatically between abandoning its nuclear ambitions or else facing crippling penalties.

Posted by: gromgoru 2007-10-23