
How to Fight the Long War Against Terror (microgrants)
First micro-grants distributed in Jamia

Multi-National Division – Baghdad

BAGHDAD – Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers distributed micro-grants to small business owners in Jamia, a western neighborhood of the Iraqi capital Oct. 17.

The Khadra Neighborhood Advisory Council, along with Company B, 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, distributed micro-grants to 42 business owners of up to $2,500 to start-up, improve or re-open their businesses. The total amount of money distributed was $100,000.

The promise of micro-grant assistance from Coalition Forces and the improved security in Jamia provided by Company B and their Iraqi counterparts, 3rd Battalion, 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army, has allowed the shopping area of Shar Ar Rabee to re-open and to begin rebuilding.

Shar Ar Rabee was once a famous shopping area, but violence from the war destroyed the area and prevented local citizens from conducting business.

In the past six weeks, more than 100 businesses have re-opened in Shar Ar Rabee, 50 of those in just in the last two weeks.
Posted by: Glenmore 2007-10-23