
Rantburg was conceived as a repository for news about the War on Terror, and I'd like to keep it that way. This is not an opinion journal, and despite the amount of smartassery in the commentary, it's not really a place to mouth off for the sake of seeing your own words on somebody else's site. There are lots of forums and chat rooms you can go to for that.

Your opinion is welcome. But if you post something, tie it to a hard news article that's related to the site's subject matter. Pure opinion, be it "I think Iraq sucks" or "I think war sucks" doesn't go here. Get your own weblog. I'll dump your post, even if I agree with the subject matter. I'll just dump it a little faster if I don't.
Same applies to "Tyson Chicken" sucks...

Thanks for your support,

The Management
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-10-25