
Iran calls for War Tribunal against Republicans!
Hat Tip - GatewayPundit
TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Deputy head of Iran's judiciary here Tuesday called on the world's independent legal and judicial bodies to form a war tribunal to punish the United States' warmongering ruling party for its crimes.

He further said that the crimes committed by the US ruling party in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Washington's increasing threats in the international arena would bring nothing to the US but further political isolation.

The official said the world today knows very well that the hawkish policies of the US administration have come to a dead-end, "and in case the United States continues violation of the international norms and criteria, it will have to face increased pressures from the side of the world Public opinion, particularly the American people, insisting the illogical leaders of that country to revise their current attitudes."
Posted by: DanNY 2007-10-24