
DKos: White House is blackmailing Dems in Congress!!!!!!!
More fun from the "loyal" opposition.

by rainmanjr
Tue Oct 23, 2007 at 08:39:25 PM PDT

Is it spinelessness, political caution (to get Ind. voters in 2008), financial profiteering from Mil/Ind Complex investments, lack of conviction, or simply not being good at stopping Rethug's from blocking legislation that makes our Congress ineffectual? Or is there another, more nefarious, reason for their inability to stand up to White House?

I made a comment, earlier, about how Pelosi talked tough to W.H. but, then, backed down on everything. Senate can't put up any real fights, either. Couldn't even nab Gonzo. Now we get the FISA-Telecomm deal. I got to wondering if lots of Dem. Congress People are being blackmailed. That would explain a lot of folding and playing dead. Wireless surveillance could have been done on our House/Senate people, learning things that Rove could use, and now they're afraid. Maybe they were even quietly threatened with plantings of drugs, kid porn, gay porn, National Review...that kind of sorted thing. You get tagged with any of this stuff and your career is over.

Does anybody believe our current W.H. wouldn't get this low? It worked for Hoover, and Nixon (for a time), so why not?
Course, it could be that I'd just rather believe this than that Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid, Rockefeller, Durbin, Hoyer and so many others are gutless. I can forgive blackmail problems.
Posted by: Mike 2007-10-24