
Syria states willingness for early talks with US about Golan and "Other Issues".
Mods please add requisite Debka shaker of salt graphic.

The hammer better be dropping on Syria after all the secrecy behind the bombing, potential mole on the inside with pictures or material, Hoekstra and Ro-Lehtinen getting briefed and sworn to secrecy (read real national security that can get you jailed) but demanding that all members of Congress be briefed on it or they'll hold up any NK deals. Add on top of that all the crap Syria is pulling in Lebanon and, more specifically, Iraq, the only thing I want is a Libyan style bad dog belly up kind of submission. Give up all the goods, Junior.

Anyone think the latest outreach to Putin regarding a delay in the Missle Defense Shield in Eastern Europe is a face saving gesture to Russia?

I think it's high time to start squeezing one of Iran's weak little sisters.

DEBKAfile Exclusive: Syria's openness to dialogue with the United States, according to one statement, covers unspecified "other issues" related to Israel as well as Lebanon and Iraq.

In a second statement issued Wednesday night, Oct. 24, Damascus denied American media disclosures Wednesday that a nuclear reactor was the target of the Israeli attack near the Syrian Desert village of A-Tibnah on Sept. 6.
"Lies! All lies!"
The Syrian statements, delivered by Dr. Fawzi Shueiebi, over Syrian state television, cited DEBKAfile and DEBKA-Net-Weekly as primary sources for Syrian policy-making on these issues.

DEBKAfile's military sources report now that the media disclosures Wednesday in the United States confirm the revelation in DNW 320 of Oct. 5 that Damascus was setting up an installation for making "dirty bombs." DNW 321 first reported Washington's intention to start a dialogue with Damascus on Oct. 12.
Posted by: danking70 2007-10-25