
Six illegal immigrants arrested at Qualcomm - stealing donated supplies - to SELL
Six undocumented Mexican immigrants were arrested today by U.S. Border Patrol agents at Qualcomm Stadium, after a report that they were stealing food and water meant for evacuees, according to spokesman Damon Foreman.

San Diego police responded to a call about alleged theft from the evacuation center and encountered six people in a van who didn't speak English and didn't have California driver's licenses, Foreman said. The police officers called the Border Patrol, who arrived at the stadium and made the arrests, he said. Foreman said the immigrants admitted they were Mexican citizens and that they were stealing.

Border Patrol agents are not looking for illegal immigrants at the center but will continue responding to police calls for assistance. "We are not in any means at Qualcomm for enforcement capacity," he said. "We are not there to take advantage of a situation." Foreman said the agents have been helping in the evacuation and rescue effort in addition to carrying out their main duties.

"We are dedicated to our primary mission to securing our borders," he said.
ON NBCSandiego.com it's clarified - they were loading up stuff to sell:
A group of volunteers distributing donated goods at Qualcomm Stadium had to play proctor Wednesday after they noticed the same group of people made three trips, loading up their pickup trucks with goods each time.

"After the second or third time of loading a pickup truck twice and a car, yeah, it's a little suspicious," San Diego police Sgt. Jesus Cesena said. "These items are earmarked for [the victims] to help them out, and when someone takes advantage of them, they're taking advantage of all of us."

The goods, such as clothes, blankets, tents and cots, are easily resold, police said. A volunteer was so upset about the exploitation she began crying, Cesena said.

Police said one of the suspects admit[ted] his intent to sell the items he was taking from the evacuation site.<

Just doing the jobs Americans won't do? Burn Em!

Posted by: Frank G 2007-10-25