
Australia to pull out of Solomons
Australian peacekeepers are to begin leaving the Solomon Islands having helped restore order there, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has said. Canberra leads a force of more than 2,200 soldiers and police officers which arrived in July when the Pacific state appeared on the brink of civil war. Since then, nearly 4,000 weapons have been handed in and 15 police posts set up across the islands, said Mr Downer. A number of notorious ethnic militants have also been arrested.
Harold Keke and his thugs are on trial for murder.
Australia contributed 1,400 of its soldiers to the force and has now announced that 800 will be brought home by early December, leaving just 200 along with police and defence support staff. Of the four other nations currently involved in the peacekeeping force, New Zealand has also announced it is scaling down its current contingent of 230 personnel and four helicopters. However, Defence Minister Mark Burton said, 35 New Zealand police officers are expected to remain in the Solomons for up to two years. Australia and its neighbours decided to intervene in the Solomons over concern that the archipelago could become a haven for terrorists, drug dealers and money launderers. Along with Australia and New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Tonga contributed forces, with Samoa pledging to send personnel at a later date.
Well done, mates!
Posted by: Steve 2003-10-28