
Afghanistan Weighs Use of Islamic Laws
EFL from Newsday
But in the two years since the Taliban were forced from power, Saddiqi, head of the Afghan Supreme Court’s judicial and criminal division, hasn’t yet ordered the knife to be used on any crooks.
Progrssive of him. I wonder if he pulls out the whetstone and runs the old bowie across it a few times to rattle the defendents cage some.
"If we implement Shariah correctly, there’s no need to cut off a hand we can pulverise the hand or we can dip the hand into a vat of ...," and rarely would an execution be handed down by the courts, said Saddiqi, whose thick black beard and swirling turban indicate his status as a mullah, a Muslim cleric who also leads prayers at a Kabul mosque. Judge Saddiqi thumbed a white paperback copy of the criminal code from 1976, when Afghanistan was ruled by King Mohammad Zaher Shah, that he still uses today — although he said Shariah law remains his first reference in tricky cases. He said the Taliban’s lightning-speed trials — sentencing a thief one week and having a doctor using anesthesia cut off his hand the next — bore no resemblance to real Shariah law. Instead, Saddiqi said courts observing Shariah must look at the circumstances surrounding the crime. "If this thief is stealing out of poverty, if his children are crying for bread, then we should consider this" in the verdict and consider more lenient measures, he said. Saddiqi said women should wear veils according to the Muslim faith, but that doesn’t mean they must be cloistered at home as the Taliban required.
Let’s mix in a little moral relativism to show the kafir that we how refined we are. Maybe we can take off the first two fingers or for a lighter offence just make offender play mercy with the Bubba the baliff.
"There’s a big difference between Taliban law and Shariah law," he said.
There’s a big difference between Seven Eleven and Food Lion but they both sell crackers.
Posted by: Super Hose 2003-10-28