
Britain: Terror suspects lose appeal
Remember this next time you hear a British terror apologist whining about Gitmo... EFL
Appeals by five suspected international terrorists detained without trial have been rejected. The Special Immigration Appeals Commission judges made the ruling in favour of the government on Wednesday. They have been detained without trial under emergency powers introduced in the wake of 11 September. Another five suspects are due to hear the outcome of their appeals later on Wednesday. Some of the men have been in jail since December 2001, held under the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act. The Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) backed the Home Office claims it had enough evidence to keep the men behind bars. The men include Jamal Ajouaou and Palestinian asylum seeker Mahmoud Abu Rideh, but the remaining eight have not been named. Lawyers representing the men claimed the evidence against them was "fragmentary and incomplete".
Which is also how you could describe most victims of Islamic terror.
But the Home Office has maintained the men’s detention was based on "detailed evidence" and the powers had been used sparingly.
Posted by: Bulldog 2003-10-29