
Soddies throwing cash around Washington
Saudi Arabia has spent $17.6 million on public relations, advertising and lobbying since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, hoping to convince Americans it is committed to fighting terrorism although 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens, Justice Department records show. Television ads on CNN, ESPN, MSNBC and Fox News since May 2002 have depicted the Saudis as a modern nation
choke, cough
aligned with American interests.
Edith, my pills, quick
In a two-week period last October, 1,541 Saudi-sponsored ads ran on American television. The Saudi strategy to win the hearts and minds of American citizens and lawmakers is clear: spend large amounts on media advertising, book time with television’s news shows, lobby congressional leaders and monitor policies coming out of Washington.
otherwise known as: bribe anyone and everyone you can. That’s the Soddy Way
Posted by: Spot 2003-10-29