
Brigitte reveals who gave orders
The terrorist suspect Willie Virgile Brigitte has revealed that his instructions to link with an explosives expert while in Sydney came from a contact in Pakistan, where he is alleged to have received al-Qaeda training.
It’s no wonder he turned out bad with a name like Willie Virgile Brigitte. Kind of like "A Boy Named Sue".
It is understood that he also told interrogators in Paris he had obtained a new "clean" passport before coming to Australia on a tourist visa, so that his trips to Pakistan and Afghanistan would not be revealed.
Standard procedure.
In Sydney, members of five of the seven households raided by ASIO and federal and state police on Sunday as alleged Brigitte associates have sought legal help. A solicitor, Adam Houda, said the men who spoke to him were members of the mainly Wahhabi fundamentalist Muslim sect which worships at the Haldon Street Prayer Centre in Lakemba.
Wahhabis, another non-suprise.
Some passports had been confiscated and at least two revoked. Brigitte is believed to have told French counter-terrorist police in recent days that he only wanted to defend Islam in Afghanistan, Pakistan or Chechnya, rather than attack Western-based Christians, and had travelled to Australia for personal reasons.
Uh huh
Under questioning, he told police he became anxious when approached by an associate from his time in Pakistan about sheltering an explosives expert with known terrorist links in Sydney.
"Willie, Don Vito Abdullah is calling in the favor you owe him"
Soon after, on October 9, he was arrested.
Sounds like the Pak contact or the expert is under observation.
Information from Brigitte’s French interrogation and the weekend raids has hardened the Howard Government’s belief that at least two other men, and probably more, were part of a network he was putting together here. Officials remain uncertain, however, whether Brigitte was an imminent threat, or part of a plan to plant a "sleeper" terrorist cell which may not have been activated for years.
I’d say Brigitte was a very low level flunky, used to support more important players.
The 35-year-old former social worker is understood to have received arms training with Islamic groups linked to al-Qaeda in Pakistan, and tried to enter Afghanistan in late 2001 to join the Taliban. Earlier, he allegedly trained with other would-be Islamic fighters in France.
I thought he ran the camp.
The Premier, Bob Carr, and AFP Commissioner, Mick Keelty, have toned down their rhetoric after initially claiming that a terror cell centred around Brigitte had been smashed. The remarks had caused deep consternation in some federal quarters, with one government source describing their victorious tone as over the top. Mr Carr, asked about his remarks on the breaking up of a cell, said it was "very clear the police visits have had impact on the associations he appeared to be establishing on Australian soil". The Government has clamped down on information about Brigitte’s wife, an Australian convert to Islam whom he met and married in September. Authorities have found no evidence that Brigitte sought to use her in any way, and are treating her as innocent.
Just another slave of love.
Posted by: Steve 2003-10-29