
Dems recruit their Limbaugh....
FARGO -- Democratic lawmakers in Washington are asking a North Dakota radio personality to take on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other conservative talk show hosts. Ed Schultz, who earlier considered running for governor, has been tapped by national Democratic leaders for a talk show to start in January. Democratic lawmakers in Washington are raising money for the show, and Democrats have pledged about $1.8 million over two years to get it off the ground, Schultz said Monday. He said a half-dozen stations are looking at whether to carry it. "The Democrats are getting the tar beat out of them constantly by Limbaugh and Hannity, and they feel they don’t have a platform," Schultz said. "There’s this conservative mantra that’s being jammed down the throats of the American people, and the other side of the story is not being told."
Except by ABC, CBS, CNN, NPR, Beebs, Pravda, Xinhua, Peoples Daily, and of course the LA Times...
Schultz is the host of "Left and Lefter News and Views," a talk show on Fargo’s KFGO radio, which he said will continue in its usual slot from 8:30 to 11 a.m. The national show is planned to run from 2 to 5 p.m. Central time, and Schultz will broadcast from both Fargo and Washington, he said. "I think it can be an advantage having him broadcast from Fargo because it really is middle America," said Amy Bolton, general manager of Colorado-based Jones Radio, which is marketing the program.
That makes it, like, authentic, y'know?
State Democrats had considered Schultz a possible candidate to run against Republican Gov. John Hoeven, who is announcing his re-election campaign on Wednesday. "I had every intention of running for governor until this project came up," Schultz said. "I think I can fry more fish and help more people have more of an impact if this goes." Jason Stverak, director of the North Dakota Republican Party, said he will be waiting to see how many radio stations will broadcast Schultz’s show. "Ed is very good at whipping up people’s passions about issues and getting them involved," Stverak said. "That is always something you have to be cognizant of."
I remember how Mario Cuomo used to fire 'em up every time he opened his mouth. He got on the radio and became a powerful soporific. It's a war of ideas. If you come unarmed, it doesn't matter how well you turn a phrase...
Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., said Schultz impressed Senate Democrats at a meeting in Washington about a year ago, after Democracy Radio officials approached Schultz about the job. Democracy Radio was founded by Tom Athens, the husband of Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich. "He knocked their socks off," Dorgan said. "To say that Ed has a competitive drive is probably an understatement. He’s a pusher and a fighter, but he’s also an entertaining guy. Right now we have hours and hours filled by conservative talk, and there’s a huge void out there."
Before there were those hours and hours of conservative talk, there were the same people on the radio that there were on the terriblevision, saying the same things. There was a reason talk radio took off as a conservative phenomenon, and it wasn't Rush Limbaugh and his Golden Ego. It's the ideas, stoopid...
Michael Harrison, editor and publisher of Talkers Magazine, said Schultz’s show can work because he is entertaining, not because there’s a void of liberal politics on the air.
If he's not entertaining, he's toast...
"There are other liberals on the radio, but you need a host who’s funny, engaging, talented and charismatic," Harrison said. "Ed Schultz is known around the country, even though he’s basically in a small market, one that’s off the beaten path. That says a lot for the guy." Schultz said ownership of the new talk show will be divided among himself, Democracy Radio, Jones Radio and Media Syndication Services, a radio production company
I know this sounds silly
 But wouldn’t the left howl if Senate Republicans had a direct role in choosing a Limbaugh or Hannity for a Republican radio Project? I have never heard of Schultz but based on his comments I doubt that I will have time to listen. "There’s this conservative mantra that’s being jammed down the throats.” Nobody is forced to listen or watch these shows. As a matter of fact Hannity SHARES the stage with Alan Colmes a staunch Liberal. That show is about as ‘fair and balanced’ as they come. My question for all is how many times can this guy talk about raising taxes or attacking Bush before EVERYONE tunes him out?
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-10-29