
Israel: Seven suicide bombings thwarted in past week
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In the past ten days, the Shin Bet and IDF forces succeeded in thwarting seven potential suicide bomb attacks in Israel, including a double suicide bomb attack that was to have taken place in Beit Shean, and a car bomb attack in Israel.
Busy little Paleo beavers - interestingly enough another news article showing up on Google says the Paleos are looking for another Hudna (truce) - probably to rearm
The security establishment registered 41 warnings of plans by terrorists to perpetrate attacks on Wednesday, a security official told The Jerusalem Post, noting that the majority of the warnings received related to potential suicide bomb attacks.
good intel - need to start turning the Hamas/IJ/A-A paranoia on themselves
"People should not be misguided by the supposed calm," the official said, noting that the terrorist infrastructure in the West Bank continues in its efforts to launch attacks against Israeli citizens.
build the wall- faster
  • On October 19, security forces arrested two senior terrorist commanders affiliated with the Islamic Jihad and Tanzim who were described by officials as ’ticking bombs’. The two, Said Zid and Yakub Jawadra were planning to perpetrate an imminent suicide bomb attack in Beit She’an and later disclosed to security officials the whereabouts of the two explosive belts, each weighing ten kilos they planned to use in the attack.

  • On October 20, Fares Abu Hamda, a Palestinian teenager affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and described by security officials as a "potential attacker" was arrested in the Askar refugee camp in Nablus.

  • A day later near Kibbutz Nahal Oz, IDF forces shot a number of terrorists attempting to infiltrate members of their cell into Israel to perpetrate attacks.
    Ow! you guys go on without me! Guys?

  • In Hebron, On October 22, IDF forces arrested Imad Natsche and Wajah Abu Shama, members of the Islamic Jihad who they spotted hiding in a car parked next to Natsche’s home. Troops shot and killed Tanzim fugitive A-Khadi Natsche spotted fleeing from Imad’s house.

  • Basem Natsura an Islamic Jihad fugitive was arrested in Kalkilya by security forces and revealed plans to smuggle a car rigged with explosives into Israel.

  • Sami Jeradat, an Islamic Jihad commander was arrested in Silat A Hartiyah and was involved in the plotting of suicide bomb attacks including the attack at the Maxim restaurant earlier this month in which 22 Israelis were killed and scores wounded. Officials said Jeradat was also involved in the planning of additional attacks against Israelis. In the same village security forces also arrested Iman Jeradat who assisted Sami in the planning.

  • Ahmed Hamis a senior PFLP commander was shot and killed while evading arrest by security forces in Kalkilya. Officials said Hamis was involved in plotting and planning shooting and bomb attacks against Israeli vehicles traveling on roads in the area and was also involved in attempts to launch suicide and shooting attacks against Israelis on the seam line border.

  • In the village of Rai’ security forces arrested Mohammed Melahem a member of the Islamic Jihad who was involved in tracking down and recruiting two potential suicide bombers willing to perpetrate attacks on behalf of the Islamic Jihad.
    fodder finder huh?

  • In Ramallah, security forces arrested Osama Braham, an Islamic Jihad commander and bomb expert, who operates in the Tulkarm area and was visiting in the city. During his investigation it was revealed that he prepared a number of bombs and smuggled potential suicide bombers on behalf of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine into Ramallah.
Good hunting, Shin Bet!
Posted by: Frank G 2003-10-29