
  • A federal judge said he will likely dismiss a lawsuit that attacks the state's ban on dwarf tossing. He didn't seem too sure why, though. He said the statute apparently doesn't really prohibit dwarf tossing, because there are no rules in place to enforce it. The law simply states that bar owners can be subject to fines and losing their liquor licenses. But that's only if they could enforce it, mind you, so there's nothin' to worry about.

    An assistant state attorney general, George Lee Waas, who now has no career, said the state probably will enact rules quickly that regulate dwarf tossing so that way they can enforce it and take your money and your liquor license that you weren't worrying about losing. (Link via Heretical Ideas thru Protein Wisdom, which sounds like a really bad slogan for somebody's company, but still better'n "You can be sure if it's Westinghouse unless it's not.")
    Didja ever notice than when these goobers are legislating against silliness they look... they look... well.. silly? (Guess when they finally snatch your dough and your liquor license and run you out of the state you can always go to Kyrgyzstan.)
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-01
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2056