
Iraqis condemn suicide attacks, blame foreigners
Hat tip Instapundit
Like many Iraqis, Yassen Saeed is convinced that a surge of suicide bombings which has killed dozens of civilians in Baghdad is the work of foreign extremists seeking to sow chaos for US-led occupation forces. “They are criminals. Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians from the Arab world. Iraqis wouldn’t do this,” said Saeed, a retired oil worker whose son was wounded in Monday’s attack on the Red Cross (ICRC) office which killed a dozen people. It might be one of the few things on which Iraqis agree with US President George W. Bush, who on Tuesday pointed to foreign Islamic fighters as key suspects behind the rise in violence along with fighters loyal to ousted President Saddam Hussein. Saeed, gesturing angrily at the shattered Red Cross building, said all suicide attacks were wrong. Other Iraqis said they understood why such a method might be used against American or other foreign troops, even though most suicide missions have struck non-military targets since the invasion in April. But all were shocked such things could happen at the start of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan.
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Posted by: mary 2003-10-30