
Polls Show Clinton and Giuliani Leading in US Presidential Race
Two polls, one by the Cable News Network and the Gallup organization and another by Newsweek magazine, show Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani remain the frontrunners for their party presidential nominations.

In the Democratic race, Clinton leads Senator Barack O'Bama in the CNN poll by a margin of 44 to 25 percent, with former Senator John "Breck Boy" Edwards in third place with 14 percent. The Newsweek poll has Clinton ahead of Obama by a margin of 44 to 24 percent.

The battle for the Republican Party's presidential nomination appears closer. The CNN survey has Giuliani in the lead with 28 percent, followed by former Senator Fred "Fred" Thompson at 19 percent, Senator "Maverick" John McCain with 16 percent and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney at 11 percent. The Newsweek poll had Giuliani leading Thompson by a margin of 30 to 15 percent. Clinton leads Giuliani by narrow margins in head-to-head match ups in both surveys.
Posted by: Fred 2007-11-07