
Mahathir's reign at an end
Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad famous for taunting Australian leaders will step down today after a record 22 years in office.
G'bye. Have a moderately nice time in retirement...
It will be a low key exit for 78-year-old. The ceremonial swearing-in ceremony for his chosen successor will take place at the Royal Palace before the King of Malaysia. At 63, Abdullah Badawi will become the country's fifth Prime Minister since independence. Afterwards the two men will return to the prime minister's chambers for the symbolic handing over of the leader's office. Dr Mahathir will then be driven to his private home in a gated community on the outskirts of the capital to begin his retirement. Malaysia's longest serving leader says he will play no further role in public life and plans to spend time catching up on sleep and indulging his hobby for shooting his mouth off horse riding.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-10-31