
Ramadan’s deadly start
Six people were killed and another was injured in a shootout that took place on Saturday between Aal Saidah and al-Marazeek, one of the minor tribes affiliated to Bani Nawf in the al-Jawf governorate.
"Who youse callin' a minor tribe?"
Tribal sources said that the main cause behind fire exchange was attributed to the longstanding tribal disputes. “Tribal conflict between the two was erupted one year ago over a simple financial amount of money when they assembled in Marib, they quarreled and then pointed their guns at each other,” a tribal source said.
"That sucker stole my wallet!"
"Did not!"
"Yew callin' me a liar?"
"Go fer yer guns, Mahmoud!"
It is worthwhile mentioning that the eastern governorates such as, Marib, Shabowa, and al-Jawf have been involved in severe tribal clashes from time immemorial to time.
"Yeah. We do it fer fun! That's 'cuz we're tough!... Ow!"
Those tribal clashes constitute a big headache for the government.
"Will you goobers knock it off, fergawdsake?"
They have been given carte blanche and this has negatively affected their normal life.
"I can't deal with them. Just let them shoot each other. It's easier that way."
"Of course, effendi!"
Despite of rendering developmental and social projects in order to overcome the hard life there, which overwhelmed those tribes, the tribal clashes have been still predominant.
"Why get a job at the camel wash when I can just steal all their stuff?"
"But they ain't got any more than you do!"
"They'll have even less when we're done with 'em!"
Several US-funded projects have been recently implemented during a short visit Marib by the US Ambassador to Yemen and those major projects are equipping the President Hospital in Marib at the cost of USD 5.3 million as well as other developmental projects.
"Good idea. We need a hospital!"
"Ow!... See?"

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-10-31