
O’Connor: U.S. must rely on foreign law
EFL/Fair Use
American courts need to pay more attention to international legal decisions to help create a more favorable impression abroad, said U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor at an awards dinner in Atlanta. "The impressions we create in this world are important, and they can leave their mark," O’Connor said, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The 73-year-old justice and some of her high court colleagues have made similar appeals to foreign law, not only in speeches and interviews, but in some of their legal opinions. Her most recent public remarks came at a dinner Tuesday sponsored by the Atlanta-based Southern Center for International Studies.
Excuse me, but I believe the oath that Judges take is quite similar to the ones I took as a member of the Air Force. Somewhere in that oath are the words "I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and bear true faith and allegience to the same." Nowhere in that oath do I see anything about "paying attention to foreign law". In my opinion, this statement by Sanda Day O’Conner is treason, and should result in her immediate removal from our justice system, and deprived of any retirement she may have otherwise been entitled to. I don’t remember foreign nations having any say in our laws, and I don’t believe most Americans want to be judged by some half-wit from Brussels OR Beijing. This woman needs to be smacked upside the head a couple of times with a very LARGE cluebat. Ginsburg and Kennedy have both said similar things, and should be summarily removed as well. We, the people of this nation, are a free people, and do not submit to being ruled by any foreign power. These words state that we should.
Posted by: Old Patriot 2003-10-31