
4 police wounded in Venezuela student protests
Four police officers were shot and wounded during student protests on Friday in the Venezuelan city of Merida in an escalation of violent demonstrations against President Hugo Chavez's plan to scrap term limits. Antonio Rivero, head of Venezuela's Civil Protection agency, told Reuters by telephone that the officers were shot while trying to break up clashes between opposing student groups in the Andean city.

Recent demonstrations against Chavez's reform campaign have heightened fears of violence in the coming weeks as the OPEC nation prepares for a December 2 referendum on a raft of constitutional proposals sought by the leftist leader.

"Up to now, four have been reported to me ... The number could have increased, but I am still waiting for information," Rivero said without giving details of the condition of the wounded officers. Rivero said the clashes involved students "of either side," apparently referring to Chavez supporters and anti-Chavez demonstrators.

One official from the area, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a gunman on a motorcycle had opened fire on a line of police officers.

On Wednesday, hooded Chavez supporters shot at least two anti-Chavez students at a university in a clash that erupted after thousands marched through the capital calling for the vote to be postponed, witnesses and hospital officials said.
Posted by: lotp 2007-11-10