
Sunni clerics say to stay away from ucky Americans...
An association of Sunni Muslim clerics on Friday urged Iraqis to shun contracts with Americans as much as possible, saying that their religion prohibited cooperation with the occupation authorities. "Beware of supporting the occupiers and know that contacting them, without a legitimate necessity is sinful," the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq said in a statement read to worshippers. "Supporting them is apostasy and animosity to Muslims."
"Cuz they're ucky. Ee-e-e-e-w! Infidels! Cooties!"
The grouping of clerics and religious leaders is one of several formed in Iraq after the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime. Its leaders, who have adopted an attitude of hardline opposition to the US presence in Iraq, say their aim is to unite the country's Muslims. "Cooperation with the occupiers against the people angers God and represents a betrayal of religion," said the statement read after Friday prayers at Mosul's al-Haj Sedeeq Rashan mosque.
"Being religious is much more important than making a living, or clearing out krazed killers, or ensuring justice and equality..."
It said it was acceptable for Muslims to join the US-sponsored police force in order to protect Iraqi lives, honor and property, but warned policemen not to exceed these duties and help in defending the occupation. "We call upon you not to violate the sanctities of Muslims by confronting them or by reporting on those who do not commit a crime in the eyes of God."
Potting Americans, of course, isn't a crime in the eyes of God...
Iraqi police have been targeted by resistance fighters who see them as collaborators with the US forces. Some police stations in Baghdad have been hit by suicide bombings, and in Mosul police have come under fire on several occasions. "We tell America that we will not accept its occupation," Sheik Ibrahim Al-Naama, member of the association told worshippers. "It is not honorable for our country to be occupied and that a Muslim accepts this occupation. We are hopeful and are waiting for the day when the occupiers will leave our country," he said.
In that case, stop inciting violence, stop jumping up and down, stop making faces, hang up the turban and try and build a civil society...
The US military monitors some mosques in Baghdad anti-American sermons, and Iraqi police have in the past gone into some to search for weapons. It was not immediately clear whether there would be any reaction to Friday's statement by the clerics' association. "The occupation forces must respect mosques and the feelings of Muslims and their rituals," the group said. But it also asked Muslims to make sure not to provide the Americans with any pretext to violate the sanctity of mosques.
"Yeah. We wouldn't want them closed down or something. Us holy men gotta make a living, you know."

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-01