
CAIR to Muzzies on American Airlines Flight 590 "WE WANT MONEY!"
By Annie Jacobsen
Aviation Nation covers Muslim Security runs, good read for Burgers.
Sources inside American Airlines tell me that the airline has no intention of settling last week's lawsuit filed in U.S. district court. David Al-Watan, Talal Cholagh, Ali Alzerej, Hassan Alzerej, Hussein Alsalih and Mohammad Al-Saedy are seeking "hundreds of thousands of dollars" in damages for racial profiling.
Good for them! We would love to seen any lawyer try the race card. Islam isn't a race
This 12-page police report explains why American Airlines should never pay these men a dime. It also explains why several names should be added to the 800,000+ name no-fly list — if they haven't been added already.
I'll bet you one of Zens wines this was a trial run
Aviation security is a national security issue. There should be a zero tolerance policy in effect for anyone who acts like a bully (Muslim) in airports and on airplanes. Shame on the attorneys who represent people like this and shame on the journalists and news organizations who belittled the female passenger who opted out of having her kids bullied by a drunk actor named Dave Al-Watan. (Each flight attendant interviewed by the police felt the behavior of Al-Watan and his cohorts was belligerent, as did at least one other male passenger interview by police).

The men, it turns out, had been hired by the U.S. Military as "authentic Iraqi" actors in Iraq-war, "role-playing scenarios." I asked a U.S. Federal Air Marshal what this meant: "Most likely these guys were at Ft. Irwin playing terrorists and insurgents," he said.

They should have left their role-playing at the army base. Instead, they tried auditioning for FOX news (see police report page 3).
A must read on the behavior of CAIR fascia scum
"We work hard for this country. And we can prove ourselves. We are good people, not bad people&Why are we getting treated like that?" said Dave Alwatan, airline passenger.
"So we will sue!"
"As soon as we got on the plane, some of the guys don't speak English, so what they did, they started speaking Arabic," said Alwatan.
What you didn't think of yelling FIRE!?
In Chicago, at the Counsel for Islamic Relations, executive director Ahmed Rehab says this incident is alarming and a sign of hysteria.
We forget that the Muslim terrorist on 9-11 were speeking Swiss
"Judging people by their language is one step removed from judging people by their race or religion.
A step I'll take any day
Posted by: Icerigger 2007-11-11